18 jan Even more ways to quickly add new burps
Easy ways to automatically add new burps 🤖
In a previous post I wrote about how to quickly add new burps to your lists.
As promised, there are now even more ways to quickly add new burps! 🥳
A lot more ways to quickly add burps – Zapier
Yes – there are now over 5000 new ways to automatically add new burps to your burp bucket! 💪🤯
By integrating mindburp with Zapier you can create burps based on pre-defined “triggers”.
For example:
– Create a new burp when a new Google Calendar event is created or
– Create a new burp from Slack
There are many possibilities – make sure to try them out!
Read more about zapier integration on our support pages or our mindburp Zapbook page!
When logged in to mindburp, you will find all Zapier settings in “Settings” – “Integrations” – “Zapier”.
Below are other ways to quickly add burps to mindburp.
Quick Add
One simple way to add burps is via Quick Add,
Simply type your burp title end press enter!
Simply send an email to your burp bucket.