10 jan Tips when expecting a baby
If you are an expectant parent, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all things that seemingly needs to be in place before the baby arrives.
There are many helpful checklists available online, but remember that not all tips are essential! 😇
However, a checklist can help you make sure you remember to check off all necessities — letting you be a bit more relaxed knowing you have the most important things covered – such as health care and insurance. So with no further ado – here are my tips when expecting a baby.
So what do I consider essential?
I consider the below points to be essential.
- A birth plan
- Insurances
- Changing table
- Baby stroller
- Baby car seat (Make sure it fits in your car!)
- Crib
- Clothes (At least for the first few weeks)
- Packed hospital bag
Planning ☑️
Having an agreed birth plan and all insurances ready and prepared are the most basic essentials.
Stuff 🧐
There are a plethora of baby stuff out there, but only a few are essential.
Having a few things will help make things easier, just keep in mind to try to keep things to a minimum.
Not having to change diapers on the floor is one thing that might make things much easier.
Make sure that a changing table is securely fastened, and consider that it might be easier to have running water close to the changing table.
A baby stroller and some stroller accessories is also good to have in place early – but you might most certainly not need all the luxury extras!
A crib and/or a baby nest will make sure your baby has a safe place to sleep.
Not everybody uses a crib, but I consider either a crib and/or a baby nest to be an essential.
You will probably also need a baby car seat to transport your newborn home from the hospital.
Just make sure to try out the car seat out first!
We had a lot of trouble with our old SAAB – the seat belts in SAAB and VOLVO are known for being exceptionally short! 🤯
Fortunately we found this out early and could change our car seat to another model that actually fits our car. *phew!*
Generally it is better to keep things simple and buy things you discover that you need – later on.
Baby clothes and gadgets will burn a hole in your pocket fast.
Remember that you do not yet know what your baby will like!
Packed and ready 👜
A ready packed hospital bag for each person is also a must.
Plan and pack the bag well in advance as the arrival of your new family member might be a tad earlier than expected.
Also plan for the travel route to the hospital and look up parking spaces and ways to pay for parking in advance.
By creating checklists you can make sure no essentials are forgotten.
The easiest is to just create a simple “Baby” list and create one burp per category – then add a checklist to each burp.
The burp progress bar will show if all items on the checklist are completed or not.

Relax and enjoy! ☀️
Having planned all essentials in advance makes for a more relaxed experience and ease of mind.
I am confident there will be lots of unexpected surprises along the way that cannot be prepared for –
but being a little prepared will hopefully make those surprises easier to handle! 👨🍼
Do you have any essential tips when expecting a baby that you think I have missed? Please let me know!